Build Commands LE 12.0.x

Build Commands LE 12.0.x


Allwinner A64

PROJECT=Allwinner ARCH=aarch64 DEVICE=A64 make image

Allwinner H3

PROJECT=Allwinner ARCH=arm DEVICE=H3 make image

Allwinner H5

PROJECT=Allwinner ARCH=aarch64 DEVICE=H5 make image

Allwinner H6

PROJECT=Allwinner ARCH=aarch64 DEVICE=H6 make image

Allwinner R40

PROJECT=Allwinner ARCH=arm DEVICE=R40 make image

Amlogic GXBB/GXL/GXM/G12/SM1

PROJECT=Amlogic ARCH=aarch64 DEVICE=AMLGX make image

Generic x86_64 GBM

PROJECT=Generic DEVICE=Generic ARCH=x86_64 make image

Generic x86_64 X11 (legacy)

PROJECT=Generic DEVICE=Generic-legacy ARCH=x86_64 make image

NXP/Freescale iMX.6


NXP/Freescale iMX.8

PROJECT=NXP ARCH=aarch64 DEVICE=iMX8 make image

Qualcomm DragonBoard

PROJECT=Qualcomm ARCH=aarch64 DEVICE=Dragonboard make image

Raspberry Pi 2/3

PROJECT=RPi ARCH=arm DEVICE=RPi2 make image

Raspberry Pi 4

PROJECT=RPi ARCH=aarch64 DEVICE=RPi4 make image

Raspberry Pi 5

PROJECT=RPi ARCH=aarch64 DEVICE=RPi5 make image

Samsung Exynos

PROJECT=Samsung ARCH=arm DEVICE=Exynos make image

Rockchip RK3328

PROJECT=Rockchip ARCH=arm DEVICE=RK3328 make image

Rockchip RK3288

PROJECT=Rockchip ARCH=arm DEVICE=RK3288 make image

Rockchip RK3399

PROJECT=Rockchip ARCH=arm DEVICE=RK3399 make image


To improve GHA/CI automation with ARM SoC $PROJECT(s) that support multiple $DEVICE types make image will iterate through all board/u-boot configurations defined in scripts/uboot_helper resulting in ~3-10 images in the target folder. To avoid this behaviour and build a single board-specific image UBOOT_SYSTEM=<board> can be appended to the build command, e.g. to build an Amlogic image for a LibreComputer LePotato board:

PROJECT=Amlogic ARCH=aarch64 DEVICE=AMLGX UBOOT_SYSTEM=lepotato make image

Several ARM SoC devices have a UBOOT_SYSTEM=box configuration which excludes u-boot and provides all device-trees, allowing the image to boot using the Android/BSP u-boot on emmc/spi.


Official releases were built using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Last updated